St. Patrick CAtholic School
School profile
st patrick’s by the numbers
total students in grades K-8
19.5 / 1
student / teacher ratio average
average KINDERGARTEN class size
average class size (grades 1-8)
of teachers w/ MASTER'S degree
chromebooks for all grade 3-8 students
quick facts
school Founded
school Enrollment
K-8th: 439 students
spiritual growth
St. Patrick Catholic School celebrates an all-school Mass every Friday. Individual grade levels also have Mass on Tuesdays, rotating weekly in grades 3rd-8th. Our students in grades JK-1st have Catechesis of the Good Shepherd two times per week. Our 7th and 8th grade students participate in weekly discipleship groups with BeLove and Forged.
Serving the Brighton Community since 1942, St. Patrick Catholic School is fully accredited through the Michigan Non Public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA). We recently completed a five-year cycle in February 2023 where we earned full accreditation status.
The Arts
St. Patrick Catholic School offers a variety of opportunities to explore the arts. We offer a Drama Club that performs an annual production. We offer daily Middle School Art elective and STEAM courses. We also have a Middle School Band classes for grades 5-8.
Student teams
Cross country
Competitive Cheer
Mini-Shamrock sports programs for grades K-3
school year
The school year is divided into three 12-week trimesters. Each trimester is a reporting period.
standardized testing
NWEA Testing is administered for grades 3rd-8th in the fall, winter in spring in the areas of math, reading, and language usage (science- spring only).
St. Patrick Catholic School participates in the Catholic Youth Organization for grades 4-8. We offer cross country, soccer, and volleyball in the fall. Basketball is offered in the winter. Cheer is offered throughout the school year. We offer a variety of mini-Shamrock sports programs for grades K-3.
Colors: Green, Tan, Navy Blue
Mascot: Shamrock
Student Clubs
Lego & Robotics Club
Music Club
Ski Club
Chess Club
Drama Club
Yearbook Club
school Leadership
Father Mathias Thelen, Pastor
Mrs. Carley Dunphey, Principal
Student leadership
Student Council for grades 6-8
Leadership Elective (8th grade)
Buddy Program (grades 6-8 pair with grades K-2)
Talent Show
St. Patrick News Team
support Organizations
School Advisory Committee
This committee consists of parents and school leaders
School Leadership Team
Student Council
Moms’ Club
Dads’ Club
our history
In 1942, the Dominican Sisters opened a one-room school at St. Patrick Parish in Brighton. By 1947 there were two grades per room of 40-50 students. The first graduation was held in 1949. In September, 2006, St. Patrick School opened its campus at 1001 Charles Orndorf Drive in Brighton to accommodate the growing needs in our community with a current enrollment of 425 students.
grade levels
The campus includes three kindergarten classrooms and and two classrooms per grades (1-8). Class sizes range from up to 52 kindergarten students in three classrooms, up to 26 per class through grade four and up to 28 in grades five through eight.
campus size
The building is approximately 50,000 square feet and is located on 13 acres with beautiful, natural surroundings.
safety & security
The campus is equipped with cameras throughout the property. All exterior doors are secured as well as the internal doors leading to each wing from the front entrance. We have a state of the art lock down system in place.
indoor classroom setting
The indoor classrooms are spacious and facilities include a beautiful chapel, art studio with kiln, science lab with solarium, music room and large gymnasium with traverse climbing wall.
green school
We have been designated by the State of Michigan as an Emerald Level Green School.
outdoor classroom setting
The outdoor setting includes a Rosary Garden created and maintained by students, inviting outdoor classroom spaces, age-appropriate playgrounds, and natural walking & fitness trails throughout the property.