Welcome to St. Patricks
newly Enrolled families
General Information & FAQ
School Doors Open — 8:25 AM
School Arrival Window — 8:25-8:35 AM
Dismissal for Bus — 3:25 PM
Dismissal for Car Riders — 3:35 PM
Bus Transportation is offered through Brighton Area Schools.
St. Patrick School students may utilize Brighton Area Schools Transportation System.
Morning Bus Procedures
All students are dropped off at Maltby/Hornung location from their neighborhood bus.
There they board the St. Patrick School transfer bus.
All students arrive at St. Patrick School on one bus each morning.
Afternoon Bus Procedures
Bus riders are dismissed at 3:22pm.
They board the St. Patrick School transfer bus to Maltby/Hornung.
There, they will board their neighborhood bus to be transported home.
Please Note
Students may arrive late and be released early to/from St. Patrick School due to the bus schedule. We are not able to control the bus schedule and are not able to accommodate changing the St. Patrick School schedule to match the bus system.
Sign up HERE if you plan to utilize Brighton Area Schools Transportation. You must live in Brighton School District.
Sign up by JUNE 30, 2024
Early Morning Care begins at 7:00 AM
Homework Club starts after school and ends at 5:30 PM
Cost for both is $6/hour — billed by the ¼ hour.
We offer hot lunch through Brighton Market.
They provide meals directly to the school each day. Orders are placed through hotlunch.com and are due Wednesdays at 9am for the following week.
Create an account here
Phone: (810)-229-7946
Email: office1@stpatschool.org
When students transfer to a new school, families are asked to complete a New Student Records Release form. This allows the prior school to forward your child’s school records to St. Patrick School.
Please print and fill out the Records Release form for all INCOMING 1st – 8th grade students. Email completed document to: admissions@stpatschool.org
Authorization to Dispense Medication
This form is required before ANY medication may be dispensed to a student at school – even over the counter, such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, eye drops etc… This form requires the signature of a doctor.
Select HERE for Uniform Policy information (K-8)
Info about Kindergarten
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, Kindergarten students are required to wear uniforms.
We invite our Kindergarten families to visit the Uniform Policy page for more information.
The Livingston County Health Department is pleased to offer no-cost Vision Screening for children entering kindergarten in Fall 2024.
We currently offer Vision Screening every 2 weeks by appointment also Special Kindergarten Vision Clinics by appointment on Date TBD
Please call for an appointment: 517-546-9850
Copy of:
Birth Certificate
Baptism Certificate
Immunization Records
These items can also be provided on the first day of school.
Copies only. Do not bring originals.