St. Patrick School
Academics & Curriculum
Academics, Curriculum & Staff
Diocesan Curriculum Info
Within the Diocese of Lansing, our Catholic schools partner with parents, the primary educators of their children, to provide an environment that teaches the whole child to be successful in this world and the next.
Core Curriculum & Content
We are truly excited to focus on every child’s individual growth and achievement. Partnering to help all kids learn, parents and teachers can have a profound positive effect on the lives of our children.
Our Faculty & Staff
Our faculty and staff consist of our administrators, elementary and middle school teachers, specials teachers, educational resource teachers, and our amazing office and operations personnel.
designed to prepare
St. Patrick Catholic School offers an education in wisdom and virtue founded on the rich inheritance of the Church. What truly sets a Catholic education apart is that it has recourse to truth incarnate, Jesus Christ. Our curricular choices point to the end of Catholic education: to form disciples of Jesus Christ who are equipped with well-formed hearts and intellects. We evaluate what we place before our students to ensure that we are forming our students in what is true, good, and beautiful. This fidelity to truth, quality, and academic excellence sets our students up for success in highschool and beyond.
Faith Formation
St. Patrick School offers a faith-based environment committed to the Catholic Church, which inspires our students, staff, and families to become all that God has intended them to be.
Religion class at every grade level
Education in Virtue program to instill virtuous behavior and self-discipline
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd JK-1st Grade
Theology of the Body Instruction in grades K-8th
Discipleship program for students in grades 7th and 8th that meets weekly
Weekly and special liturgies to deepen both knowledge of faith, and also the practice of it.
Eucharistic Chapel which is open all day and is used by classes and/or by small groups
Rosary Garden, which the students maintain, that is used for reflection and praver
Monthly Adoration
Our 2nd graders prepare for and make the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion.
Once students enter 7th grade, they can select to enter the path to Confirmation through St. Patrick Catholic Parish. Our weekly discipleship programs work to help our students prepare for and discern this important Sacrament.
Access to Young Church on Sunday evenings through St. Patrick Catholic Parish for 7th and 8th graders to help foster authentic community.
Weekly discipleship groups focusing on growing in relationship with Christ and one another.
our academics
curriculum overview
Challenging core curriculum includes reading, religion, science, language arts, mathematics. and social studies Specials include physical education, art, STEAM, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, general music and band, computers, library, and Spanish for K - 8.
Strong literacy development
Academically, our exceptional and dedicated teachers impart a love for lifelong learning that sets our students apart. Science of Reading based literacy instruction in grades JK-2 to promote strong literacy development.
Multi-tiered support
Complete MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) team to provides student supports to foster growing in mind, body, and spirit. MTSS is a framework that helps educators provide academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs. Our team consists of our Administration, Special Education Leader, Literacy Interventionist, Academic Resource Teacher and Math Coach.
PBIS - Positive behavior intervention and support
We believe in empowering our students to lead and we see the importance in celebrating and recognizing positive behavior. We have our Shamrock program where we “catch students doing great things” and positive phone calls. Our middle school students leading and present our school-wide behavioral expectations by highlighting clear and consistent rules centered around keeping everyone safe, physically and emotionally.
The Extra mile
Extra services provided with assistance from Brighton Area schools and Livingston Educational Services Agency (L.E.S.A.) including busing, occupational therapy, psychological/academic testing, speech and language and teacher consultant.
We are also blessed to have Bowman, our school therapy dog.